
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Narrative 2013

I left my Red bike at the shop but when l came out it was gone I was angry I lost my mind my fac e was Red. I was Crying and people was looking at me and I said what R u looking at then they said nothing so l walk away at went back home.

One Day I Went to the beach and my shooter was by the Rock and when I got Out of the salt water and it was Sold In so l had my Red bike at the Red bike Sold in and my white and Red Shooter is got to so I have Nothing Now is I have to walk back home.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Pt England school is very busy they have busy teachers at Pt England. Pt England is fun and cool and there are cool friends here. People play  at the park and play in the Breeze or they have to do work in class. Pt England is the coolest school on Pt england road . My favourit thing to do is play rugby and play with my friends on the park. My friends give me morning tea and l give them Morning tea. Pt England school is the best school l bet.

Monday, March 18, 2013

House 2013

On a Sunny day on my way to the pools l was on my bike l saw this house with cracked window and the tap was broken. l when on the grass and l saw a rat walking on the grass then l walk by the window and l jump up high and inside it  was rusted on the walls and the stairs was broken and the grass was long l couldn't  walk over the grass so l went to my bike to go to the pools
and l hord a monster noise coming from the house.

When l came back from the Pools the house was saying ha ha l was shaking hard out l went home to
to tell my dad at he came with me and he saw the house and it was a night time l told my dad it said ha-ha to me but he did not believe

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Khi Khi and Kyal Goals

Pt England 2013

 Make by Kyal Murray  

Kyal  at school being bests friends to his boys at Pt England school and l like to do sports
everyday at Pt England school because it is cool.

Skills poem of Kyal

1 Nert Kyal  i like to do  maths and writing and reading. My thing l like is to do really imported is XtraMaths and  Maths Whizz. I like school because we do fun stuff at school it is better then my
another school in 2007.

Blog Blurb

Hi my name is Kyal and l am eleven years old. l have 2 brothers and l am from New Zealand . l like New Zealand because they have cool and fun stuff in this county. But first l was in Australia
then l came to New Zealand. Then after then  l went to Christchurch for 1 year to see my step
dad he was in jail when l saw him l went back to New Zealand. Then l stay home for ever and
l moved to kawiti street then l meated new friend next door. When l moved in l went to Pt England school. When l came to Pt England school it was cool and fun because l meated
some more friends.