Movies In The Park
On Friday night a movie call ‘Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2 was showing on a big screen at Pt England Reserve. Heaps of people was watching The movies. People
was watching the movies then people was always standing up and going to play and come back. It was annoying because
people was getting in my way.
It started at 8.30 but at 7.00 everyone started coming to the PT England Reserve. It was fun because I was playing with my friends. Khi Khi and I went to the beach to have a look at
the water some people was having a swim and some people was playing down by the water and by the rooks. Khi Khi and I was running on the sand and Khi Khi fell over because he got cut by a shell and he had a sore on his leg. It was it that big it was small.
Khi Khi and I went home at 9.50 because it was getting boring so Khi Khi wanted to eat so we back home.